A senior Neurosurgeon. Member of Board of Directors of " KK Lifeline Hospital ". Also the CMO in " KK Lifeline Hospital. "
His mere touch and assuring smile heals. A comforter, listener and a guide.
Father of Kartik Nayak.
60 Years old.
• Dr. Kavita Nayak •
An eminent Plastic surgeon. Member of Board of Directors of " KK Lifeline Hospital. " Also the CEO of " KK Lifeline Hospital ."
Believes in Power and Status. Likes to have everything under her control.
Wishes the best for her children.
Mother of Kartik Nayak.
57 Years old.
• Dr. Kunal Nayak •
A young and dynamic Cardiothoracic Surgeon. CFO of " KK Lifeline Hospital "
Major anger issues. Introverted. Aloof.
Treats his siblings like his own children. Has a dark side, hidden from the eyes of the world.
Elder brother of Kartik Nayak.
32 Years old.
• Ojasvi Nayak •
Was a Professor by profession, in the VMC College of Law, Delhi.
Beauty with brains, but has similar anger issues like her husband. Though she knows how to control her anger.
Her chalks and scales are lost amidst the family's scalpels and forceps.
Wife of Kunal.
Sister-in-law of Kartik.
30 Years old.
• Kalyani Nayak Patil •
An Anesthesiologist. Works in the family hospital.
A soft spoken, easy going girl. A beacon of light for her little brother. Kartik's secret space, his guide, his emergency advisor and his second mother.
Sister of Kartik.
28 Years old.
• Nitin Patil •
A Pediatrician. Loving and caring.
Husband of Kalyani.
Brother-in-law of Kartik.
29 Years old.
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~Hospital Staff of GMC, Nagpur. ~
• Dr. Jayden D'souza.
HOD of General Surgery.
•Dr. Dayanand Mittal.
Consultant, General Surgery
•Dr.Shurisha Shah
Consultant, General Surgery
•Dr.Riyaaz Khan
Senior Resident, General Surgery (SR)
•Dr.Amish Das
Senior Resident, General Surgery (SR)
• Dr Dipti Das
Senior Resident, General Surgery (SR)
•Dr.Aftab Ahmad
Junior Resident, General Surgery (JR)
•Dr.Sasha Jha
Junior Resident, General Surgery (JR)
• Dr. Ashwin Kumar
Junior Resident, General Surgery (JR)
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Characters relates to the •Female Lead•
• Shamsundar Jadhav
A Government School teacher.
Pretty cool but strict at times. Gave his children the freedom but likes to have hold on things at times.
Father of Shrinidhi.
52 Years old.
•Sharmila Jadhav
A housewife. Calm, Beautiful and Understanding.
Mother of Shrinidhi.
46 Years old.
•Shreesha Jadhav
Class 11th student.
Sister of Shrinidhi.
16 years old.
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• Female Lead's Friends and Hostel-mates
• Sara
• Kriti
• Akansha
• Anvi
• Eshaal
• Sneha
• Nisha
• Urja
Other characters will be introduced further in the story, as and when required.
I write with the sole motive of letting the imaginary world that exist in my mind, free.
Writing is a passion, a passion that fuels with the support of yours. So do show some love, and some support,as it means a lot.
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